The NSEDC Board of Directors met the first week of May for their 2024 first quarter meeting and approved $1,955,396 in funding for several community programs and projects throughout the region.
The City of Golovin was awarded a Community Energy Fund (CEF) grant, totaling $218,098. The funding will go toward purchasing two new generators for the city’s power plant. Two of the current four generators in Golovin are not functioning properly and the community cites nearing an emergency situation as a third generator has already undergone repairs and part replacements. Only one of the city’s four current generators is considered to be fully reliable. The new generators are slated to be installed early this summer.
The board also approved a Large Infrastructure Fund (LIF) proposal submitted by Mary’s Igloo Traditional Council to cover the cost of building a shop in conjunction with the new Community Development Center in Teller. The shop will help support activities in the new building, which also received NSEDC grant funding, that is slated to be a place for youth and elders to engage in cultural activities. Construction of the community development center was put out for bid in February 2024 with a contractor secured and construction to begin this summer. The $300,000 LIF grant will cover the addition of shop space into the community development center project. Teller looks forward to having a space dedicated to providing cultural activities focused on youth support and development.
The NSEDC Board of Directors additionally approved a Water & Sewer Fund (WSF) grant for the City of Koyuk in the amount of $685,205. The City of Koyuk’s award helps support a multi-million-dollar effort to replace Koyuk’s water treatment plant and repair their artesian well. The current plant shows evidence of severe structural damage and degradation of mechanical and electrical systems throughout the facility. The approved funding will go toward construction labor, which is set to begin in July 2024.
The board also entertained a number of requests for Outside Entity Funding (OEF), approving a total of $752,093 in projects for community entities throughout the region, including Brevig Mission, Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Nome, St. Michael, Savoonga, Shaktoolik, Teller, and Unalakleet.
Several entities applied for funding to support special community programs. Brevig Mission School received $85,987 for their Healthy Hearts, Hands, & Habits program, covering extended gym hours, student sports travel, funding for a bilingual program, and other healthy student activities. The Native Village of Shaktoolik received $96,513 to support an elder meal program, with plans to offer Shaktoolik’s 50+ elders the opportunity to gather together daily for a freshly cooked, hot lunch. The Native Village of Elim plans to support local timber production with their $48,895 OEF grant to supply boards for flooring and subflooring to local homes and buildings. They will utilize local hire to harvest and process timber using two small band sawmills, one of which was purchased over seven years ago with NSEDC funding.
A number of granted OEF projects support new construction or repairs and upgrades to established regional buildings. The Native Village of Diomede was awarded $50,000 for design and engineering of their new office building, which will eventually house Diomede’s city hall and post office. The City of Shaktoolik received $85,000 to fund construction of a storage facility to house search and rescue equipment, keeping it safe from natural elements. Nome Preschool received $10,000 toward water system upgrades. The City of Unalakleet received $50,000 for road improvements. And the City of St. Michael received $90,333 to support repairs to water & sewer lines and electrical infrastructure in three of their buildings: the old clinic, public safety building, and city multipurpose building.
The full list of funded 1st Quarter 2024 OEF projects is as-follows:
Applying Entity | ||
Brevig Mission School | Healthy Hearts, Hands, & Habits | $85,987.08 |
Native Village of Brevig Mission | Community Hot Water Jetter | $25,335.00 |
Native Village of Diomede | City Office Building Design & Engineering | $50,000.00 |
Elim IRA Council | Logging to Timber | $48,894.80 |
Gambell School | Gambell Student Activities | $50,000.00 |
Nome LEPC | Local Emergency Planning Committee | $2,500.00 |
Nome High School Wrestling | Nome High School Wrestling | $2,500.00 |
Nome Preschool | Water System Upgrades | $10,000.00 |
Paws of Nome | PAWS Low/No-Cost Program Support | $10,000.00 |
Nome Community Center | Support Services Transportation | $10,000.00 |
Nome Bering Sea Women’s Group | Bering Sea Women’s Group | $12,500.00 |
Nome Tigaraha Pet Resources | Spay/Neuter Assistance Program | $2,500.00 |
Native Village of Savoonga | We Dance We Survive | $77,924.00 |
Native Village of Shaktoolik | Elder Meal Program | $96,513.36 |
City of Shaktoolik | Search & Rescue Building | $85,000.00 |
City of St. Michael | Plumbing & Rewiring Electricity for Three City Buildings | $90,333.33 |
Native Village of St. Michael | Channel Markers & Navigational Aids | $22,440.83 |
City of Teller | Washeteria Equipment/Upgrades | $7,146.90 |
City of Teller | Cemetery & Burial Equipment | $12,518.07 |
City of Unalakleet | Road Improvements | $50,000.00 |
Totals | $752,093.37 |
NSEDC Community Benefits grants are offered to all 15 member communities. For more information on specific funding opportunities, application requirements, and deadlines, visit