NSEDC offers business grant opportunities of up to $50,000 to member community residents
NOME—The Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC) has opened the application period for the 2019 Small Business Initiative. In its 12th year, the program helps spur economic activity and job growth by supporting entrepreneurs in developing or expanding their businesses. Since 2008, NSEDC has awarded more than $1.15 million to 49 business ventures throughout the Norton Sound region. Through the competitive grant program, entrepreneurs can receive up to $50,000 for business startups or expansions.
NSEDC opened the application period in January and will accept completed applications through July 15, 2019. The Small Business Initiative is open to residents of NSEDC member communities, and applications can be found at www.nsedc.com, at NSEDC offices, or through NSEDC Community Outreach Liaisons.
Once the application period closes, an independent panel of judges will review the applications and select a list of finalists. The finalists will then present their business plans to the panel, in person, in late summer or early fall. The judges may award grants of up to $50,000 to each grant recipient, awarding up to $150,000 in total. Once awarded, entrepreneurs have six months to start up their business and two years to utilize the funds.
Resources are available for those preparing an NSEDC Small Business Initiative application. Kawerak Inc.’s Community Planning and Development department provides assistance for applicants putting together their proposal before the competition. For more information on their services, contact Kawerak’s Business Planning Specialist Alice Bioff toll-free at (877) 219-2599 or at 443-4366 in Nome or from Alaska Small Business Development Center.
For further information on the Small Business Initiative, contact Community Benefits Director Paul Ivanoff III at (907) 624-3190 or pivanoff@nsedc.com.