The Community Outreach Liaison Program was established in 2000 to enhance communication between NSEDC and its member communities. NSEDC has a designated Community Outreach Liaison (Liaison) position in thirteen of NSEDC’s fifteen member communities, with offices in Unalakleet and Nome as resources for the two remaining member communities.
As part-time employees, Liaisons convey information about NSEDC, the availability of specific NSEDC programs to residents, and help facilitate participation in the Education, Employment and Training (EET) Program. The Liaisons also attend community meetings such as those held by the City Council, IRA, or village corporation, in order to keep informed about issues in the community and provide information to the community about NSEDC.
The Liaisons prepare written activity reports for the Community Development Coordinator (CDC) on a monthly basis describing the outreach activities and reporting on current events and issues in the community. Liaisons also provide special verbal or written reports to the CDC for projects sponsored by NSEDC and for publications such as the NSEDC newsletter, annual report, web site and other distribution materials.
For more information contact: Amanda Patrick, Community Development Coordinator
Community Outreach Liaisons
Matilda Nayokpuk
Brevig Mission, Alaska
Andrew Milligrock
Diomede, Alaska
Emily Murray
Elim, Alaska
Megan Apassingok
Gambell, Alaska
Stephanie Sampson
Golovin, Alaska
Beda Prentice
Koyuk, Alaska
Charlotte Kava
Savoonga, Alaska
Isabelle Jackson
Shaktoolik, Alaska
Madelyn Lockwood
St. Michael, Alaska
James Jack
Stebbins, Alaska
Charlie Lee
Teller, Alaska
Joanne Keyes
Wales, Alaska
Luann Harrelson
White Mountain, Alaska