NSEDC relies on marine resources from the Bering Sea for financial well-being and our residents rely on the marine and freshwater resources from Norton Sound for nutritional and spiritual well-being. We believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that our environment is clean and healthy.
Since 2006, NSFR&D has conducted summer beach cleanup projects around Norton Sound. By facilitating one to four projects every summer, we have carried out multiple projects in each of our 15 member communities over the lifetime of the project. All of this work has been done by local residents. Clean waters is ongoing, with additional cleanups scheduled for future summers.
Not only do these cleanups improve conditions for fish and wildlife, but the program also falls directly in line with the backbone of our mission: to provide economic development through employment. By bringing jobs to communities throughout the region and ensuring that environments are sanitary, we are creating healthier habitats and healthier communities.