Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
2701 Gambell Street, Suite 400
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: 800-650-2248 (toll-free in AK)
Phone: 907-274-2248
Fax: 907-274-2249
President & Chief Executive Officer
Kathy Wheelehan
Chief Administrative Officer
Matt Coates
Chief Financial Officer
Leslie Ladegard
Human Resources Director
Paul Xiong
Virginia Nashalook
Senior Accountant
Dylan Johnson
Education, Employment and Training Director
Elisabeth Burgess
Accounts Payable Clerk
Tommy “Doy” Harrel
Expediter/Delivery Driver
Doug Swanson
NSSP Sales and Project Analyst
Darlene Dewey
Administrative Assistant
Sierra Anderson
Human Resources Specialist
Dora Moore
Community Development Coordinator
Amanda Nashoanak
Payroll Specialist
NSEDC Nome Office
P.O. Box 358 / 1212 West 5th Ave.
Nome, AK 99762
Phone: 888-650-2477 (toll-free in AK)
Phone: 907-443-2477
Fax: 907-443-2478
Simon Kinneen
Vice President & Chief Business Officer
Tyler Rhodes
Chief Operating Officer
Laura Davis Collins
Communications Director
Albert Johnson
Administrative Assistant
Jacob Mannix
Safety Manager
Amanda Patrick
Community Development Coordinator
Joseph Kinneen
Safety & Training Coordinator
Harrison Moore
Quota Analyst
Derek Bahnke-Cooper
Fleet & Facility Manager
Norton Sound Seafood Center
P.O. Box 906
Nome, AK 99762
Phone: 855-443-2304 (toll-free in AK)
Phone: 907-443-2304
Fax: 907-443-2457
Justin Noffsker
NSSP Operations Manager
Martin Lewis
Vessel Manager
Josh Osborne
No. NSSP Plant Manager
Christian Rosales
No. NSSP Assistant Plant Manager
Emily Hudman
No. NSSP Office Manager
William Tate
NSSP Mechanic
Norton Sound Fisheries Research & Development
P.O. Box 358
Nome, AK 99762
Phone: 888-650-2477 (toll-free in AK)
Phone: 907-443-2477
Fax: 907-443-2478
Ketil Reitan
Fisheries Biologist
John Wade
Fisheries Biologist
Charlie Lean
Hatchery & NSFR&D Coordinator
Senior Crew Leader
Norton Sound Seafood Products (NSSP)
c/o Norton Sound Seafood Products
P.O. Box 156
Savoonga, AK 99769
Plant: 907-416-5555
Fax: 907-984-6179
Orville Toolie
Savoonga Plant Manager (Seasonal)
Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
P.O. Box 193
Unalakleet, AK 99684
Phone: 800-385-3190 (toll-free in AK)
Phone: 907-624-3190
Fax: 907-624-3183
Wes Jones
Quota Manager
Norton Sound Seafood Products
P.O. Box 323
Unalakleet, AK 99684
Phone: 907-416-5014
Sherilee Ivanoff
So. NSSP Plant Manager
Teada Katongan
So. NSSP Office Manager
Linda Cooper
So. NSSP Assistant Plant Manager
Norton Sound Fisheries Research & Development
P.O. Box 193
Unalakleet, AK 99684
Phone: 907-624-3193
Fax: 907-624-3183
Renae Ivanoff
NSFR&D Director
Fred Jay Ivanoff
Senior Crew Leader
Joanne Hanson
Fisheries Biologist
Community Benefits
Community Benefits
P.O. Box 193
Unalakleet, AK 99684
Phone: 800-385-3190 (toll-free in AK)
Phone: 907-624-3190
Fax: 907-624-3183
Paul Ivanoff III
Community Benefits Director
Marcus Pedro
Community Development Coordinator